Friday, January 19, 2018

The Fan Pan Chef Basics

Welcome to the world of the Fan Pan!  Here are some general guidelines for the proper and successful use of your Fan Pan

1.    Always pre-heat the oven to the listed temperature. 
2.   For Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes and similar items
a.   Use a Hasselback Potato slicer, links on, or place chop sticks on either side of the potato for slicing so you don’t cut all the way through.
b.   Slice to desired thickness, for best results, ¼ inch or smaller is ideal.  Remember, if you go too thin, you may end up cutting a piece out.
c.    Follow cooking instructions
3.   For Beef, Pork, Chicken, Fish or other meats
a.   Carefully handle all meats to insure you do not contaminate your cooking area
b.   When slicing meats, always cut about 3/4 of the way through, use caution to not cut through.   
c.    Follow cooking instructions
4.   Use and care of the Fan Pan
a.   Wash in warm soapy water before first use
b.   The Fan Pan can be placed in any pan you have in your kitchen that it fits in, ideally a shallow cookie pan
c.    Try not to use metal utensils on your pan
d.   After use, wash in warm soapy water and rinse
e.   Your Fan Pans are built to be tough, but use common sense when handling.

With those basic Guidelines, you are now ready to use your Fan Pan, we hope you enjoy the following recipes.  Welcome to the world of the Fan Pan Chef!

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